All about forms & client profile fields

Forms allows you to capture client information online. This means no more paper forms!

There are three types of forms:

Sendable forms, such as intake forms or questionnaires, are used to gather information from clients. You can send these forms either manually or automatically. Learn more about automating messages.

Service forms are used to capture service specific additional information from clients when they make bookings online.

Document forms are used with notes, such as clinical patient notes that require assessment forms or body charts.

When a form is filled out, client profile information can automatically be updated. To do this, make sure you use all the required fields on your client profiles before creating a form that needs to update these your client profile information.

By default, Bookem includes the following client fields:

  • Name and last name

  • Email address

  • Cellphone number

  • Client time zone

  • Opt out of notifications/automated messages

These kind of client profile details are called profile fields. There are also others already loaded onto your business settings that you can move about, edit or delete, such as:

  • Home phone number

  • Address

  • ID and/or medical aid number

You can also add more profile fields if needed.

This video covers inserting fields linked to client profiles, adding a heading that appears when printed, and inserting a long text field with placeholder text and help text.

Here are some additional things you might like to know about forms:

How to create/edit a sendable form such as intake forms or questionnaires

How to create a note form such as assessment forms or body charts

Marking a field as required for completion by a client

The different ways to send a form to a client to complete

Forms is a Bookem Plus feature. Click here to learn more.