How to share your Bookem referral code

Give 50% off, get 50% off!

Bookem grows mainly through word of mouth, and now you can earn rewards for helping spread the word. When you refer a new client to Bookem, they’ll receive 50% off their first invoice. Once they’ve paid, you’ll get 50% off your next invoice.

How it works

  • Your unique referral code is the same as your business ID and can be entered during sign-up

  • When someone signs up and uses your code, they get 50% off their first invoice

  • Once they pay their invoice, you’ll get 50% off your next one

  • Referring multiple businesses in one billing cycle allows discounts to stack and apply in subsequent months. For example, three referrals in a month grant 50% off the base price for the next three months for the referee

  • Discounts only apply to the cost of the first three team members

Where to find your referral link or code

1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Referrals

2. Scroll down to copy and share your unique URL or send your unique referral code

* NB. This has to be entered when the person you share it with signs up for their trial

See your referral stats

You can see how many businesses have used your discount code at the bottom of this page

Affiliate program:

If you engage with larger audiences and would like to join our affiliate program for compensation in cash, contact us on any of our regular channels here.

Learn more