How do I set up a service in Bookem?

Services are the types of appointments that clients can book with you. This is the first thing that a client selects when they make a booking with you.

Add a new service

  • Navigate to Settings > Services and click the '+New Service' button in the top right corner.

  • Name and duration are the most important and must be specified.

  • Adding pricing to your service makes generating invoices much easier as Bookem will populate the invoice automatically. You can choose to show pricing online or not.

  • Make sure to specify which of your team members offer this service under 'Serviced by'. 

  • Make sure the tick-box is checked for services you want clients to book themselves in for. (note: this setting is only relevant if your calendar has online bookings on.

Complete the service details

  • Give the service a name and description to help your client select the right one

  • Check that you have selected the correct booking form.

    NOTE: The default form is more than sufficient and we strongly suggest you keep any custom booking forms short

  • Pick the location where the service is provided - at the business, off-site or via video call

  • Choose the colour you would like to visually identify the service in your Bookem Calendar, if you do not add a Service image, this will also be the colour of your service on your online booking page.

  • Toggle 'Online Bookings' to 'on' if you want clients to book this service themselves. If not, ensure it is set to 'off'.

  • Next, choose how you'd like to handle online bookings for this service. You can customise the setup for each service. For example, you might require payment upfront to confirm a video call but allow in-person follow-ups without upfront payment.

The available options are:

  • Automatically confirm bookings

  • Confirm bookings after payment

  • Manually review and confirm booking


  • Toggle show pricing online to on or off, depending your preferences

  • Add a service image

Set the locations,

Associate the relevant team member or resource group

Add pricing and duration and add buffers if required.

Learn more