Bookem currently supports packages, but not yet as elegantly as we plan to in the near future. You can, however, use our effective workaround method that will allow you to use packages successfully.
1. Go to Settings > Payments & Invoicing > Line items > Edit columns and add a new line item Type called 'Package'
2. Next, in Settings > Payments & Invoicing > Line items, create a new line item for the package at the full price
2. Then add zero value line items for all line items associated with this service
Your line items are done!
1. Go to Settings > Services and create a service for a single session. Note that Online bookings are off.
Your service is set up!
1. Go to the client profile in Clients and generate an invoice, using the package line item
2. Once the full invoice has been paid, you can start booking single sessions for your client, we recommend you make this a recurring booking
3. After each session, add the booking for the service with zero value to the same invoice, until the full package has been used
Note: Make sure that the dates are correct for all line items so it corresponds with the date of each session
It is imperative to communicate to the client that they can only submit their paid invoice with all line items once the full package has been used, to ensure medical aid reimburses the full amount
Do not create a service for the package, rather only the single sessions that will be booked by the client
We suggest that you book packages manually, and do not let clients book them via your online booking page, to avoid extra work admin around payments and invoicing.