Forms provide diverse input options that streamline data collection and enhance the efficiency of information capture and questioning. Bookem offers three form types:
The image below shows you the various types of form input fields Bookem offers:
This is for one-line answers, such as First name or Last name
This allows for longer, more detailed answers to questions like "tell us how the injury happened", "how can we improve our service delivery"
You have the option to request more than one set of contact details and rename the fields as per your needs, such as "Primary Contact", "Secondary Contact", or even "Employer Contact Number". This provides you with the flexibility to gather all essential contact information conveniently.
This allows you to define options from a dropdown list and your patient can only choose
Typically used for accepting terms and conditions, or verifying you are not a robot. (often seen next to a terms and conditions and/or "signature" field)
Not related to "checkbox", but useful when you want to give more than one choice.
Clients can select as many as they like and you can make the list as long as you like.
Here clients can only pick one, similar to "Drop Down", just different. Both force clients to select only
Perhaps you need a date of birth or signature date. Use this field here.
A way for capturing time in a correct format, such as 14:00. For example, "What time did the incident occur?"
Physical, Postal, Employer - any address you need.
You can ask for more than one, Bookem allows for multiple.
Sometimes it's useful to know exactly where a client's address is on a map, if this is the case, enable the 'Show Map' toggle to allow for searching for their address with Google and pinpoint their location on a map.
Tags are useful when you have multiple items that could be picked or searched from,
For example, labels:, "What are your favourite colours?" Multiple colours could be searched through and chosen.
Clients can use their mouse, or touchpad to sign here - add a "check box" from above and you're done.
Bookem records the date and time that a form is submitted, so there is no need to capture this separately from clients.
This is a system field, used by Bookem.
This is only useful when you are sending notifications to clients in different languages. Eg. if you've translated your notifications to French and German, getting clients to pick what language they are will ensure they get notifications in their native language.
This is a system field, used by Bookem to know what timezone your patients live in.
This is useful to include in forms if you have clients taking bookings with you in different time zones.
It's automatically included on the public booking page that clients use to book online, auto-detects what time zone a client is in when they are making bookings online, and shows your business' availability translated to their time zone.
Existing custom client profile fields can be inserted into a form
Link client profile fields to form fields for data synchronisation