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All about Document Templates

With Bookem Documents (previously a version of our Notes feature), you can easily create and send professional and medical documents.

Document Templates help streamline this process, making it quick and easy to generate and send Documents with just a few clicks. It pre-populates the document with your business and client data, reducing manual re-entry and saving valuable time.

Everything you need to know about Document Templates in Bookem

Document templates are reusable and customisable, allowing you to create various types of documents quickly, while maintaining a uniform structure and style.

Document Templates are typically useful for:

  • Referral letters: Create a professional referral letter with a header and signature, ensuring the information is clear and authenticated.

  • Sick notes: Quickly generate a sick note for a patient with all necessary details, including the reason for absence and the duration.

  • Prescriptions: Write basic prescriptions (e-scripts) that include a header and your signature.

    A note on prescriptions: For more advanced functionality and usability, such as AES level signatures, drug interaction checkers, dosage recommendations, medical scheme co-payment information, recommended templates, smart dosage autofill and chronic script repeat function, our integration with EM Guidance Script is highly recommended. Team members requiring access to EMGuidance can configure their account by going to Team Members, clicking their name, clicking on the EM Guidance tab and setting up your EMGuidance API Key. Find it here.

  • Clinical/treatment notes: Maintain detailed treatment records by setting up templates with various field types, such as checkboxes, drop-downs, body charts, etc; and tables to, for e.g., track blood results, weight, and milestones.

  • Post-consultation programs and plans, e.g., eating plans, rehab programmes: Easily customise templates to provide clients with personalised plans, including columns, diagrams, and images for clear instructions and guidance.

Customisable elements in document templates

  • Tables: Track data such as blood results, weight, and milestones

  • Check lists: Create lists to improve note taking, allowing for items to be ticked off if it applies, instead of writing it out

  • Drop-downs: Provide selectable options within the document for easier data entry

  • Columns: Organise content into multiple columns for better readability

  • Free Drawing/Scribbling Areas: Add custom drawings or notes

  • Diagrams: Include diagrams for visual aid

  • Page Breaks: Separate sections neatly

  • Horizontal Lines: Create clear separations between sections

  • Forms: Add existing forms to your templates

  • Headers: Add customisable headers to documents or document templates that require exporting to PDF and/or printing

  • Other templates: Reuse one or more other templates within your template

How to create a document template

Follow these steps:

1. Go to 'Documents' in the side panel

2. Navigate to 'Templates' bar at the top of the window

3. Now, click '+ New Template' in the top right corner, now choose from 'Blank template' or 'Select from library'

Choosing a template from library gives you the option of choosing an existing template from Bookem's library. All you need to do is the business type, and select a template:

4. When editing a new or existing document template from Bookem's library, you can use all the customisable elements mentioned above to edit it if necessary.

5. Click 'Save and close' to save your template

6. You use your newly created (or any other) template to easily create documents via Documents or the client's profile:

  • Documents > '+ New document' > Select client from search bar (or you can create a new document from a booking)


7. Simply select an existing template, use a blank document, create a new template or browse the template library.

Here's an example of a document template for an exercise plan:

Here's how it looks when you use it to create a document for a client:

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